theroulettewheel| Na Ying and Cheng Lin's eyes have no light. Netizen: I feel that Yingzi and Cheng Lin's baby is about to break

editor2024-05-27 15:51:4332qqjili

recentlytheroulettewheel, on social platformstheroulettewheel, the public launched a heated discussion on the performance of contestants Na Ying and Yang Chenglin, who participated in the "Singer" program. Many fans pointed out that the two singers who were once full of energy on the stage now seem to be a little overwhelmed on the show and have lost their former agility and brilliance. Na Ying's serious expression on the show is in sharp contrast to her usual lively image, while Rainie Yang was observed to lack light in her eyes and seemed to be out of state.

The outside world has different views on this phenomenon. Some views believe that this may be due to the high-pressure competitive environment of the "Singer" program. The program has high requirements for the contestants 'musical skills, psychological endurance and stage expression. Even senior singers may feel pressure and find it difficult to maintain their best form.

On the other hand, there are also opinions that this may be related to the age and life changes of the two singers. They may be more inclined to enjoy the music itself rather than just pursuing stage performance. This may be a natural transformation process in their music careers.

theroulettewheel| Na Ying and Cheng Lin's eyes have no light. Netizen: I feel that Yingzi and Cheng Lin's baby is about to break

Despite the different voices, it is undeniable that Na Ying and Rainie's performance in "The Singer" did not meet the audience's expectations. However, as senior singers in the music world, they have brought us countless classic works. The public should give them more understanding and support, and respect their music choices and personal decisions.

We hope that Na Ying and Rainie can adjust their state and continue to shine on the music road, bringing us more moves and surprises. Their musical talent and charm are irreplaceable, and we believe that they have the ability to overcome current challenges and continue to perform wonderfully on the stage.