rgo303slot| Six departments have issued plans to promote equipment renewal in the cultural and tourism fields

editor2024-05-25 18:26:0026qqjili

Beijing Business News (Reporter Guan Zichen Niu Qingyan) On the night of May 24rgo303slotThe official website of the National Development and Reform Commission released the "Implementation Plan for Promoting Equipment Renewal in the Cultural and Tourism Fields"(hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). The "Plan" was jointly formulated by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the State Film Administration, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage. The "Plan" proposes to strive to guide and promote the renewal of a number of facilities and equipment in the national cultural and tourism fields by 2027, maintain sustained and stable growth in the scale of relevant investment, comprehensively improve service quality, and promote high-quality development of culture and tourism.

The Plan deploys eight actions. These include implementing sightseeing facilities renewal and upgrading actions, updating and upgrading tourist transportation equipment and tourism equipment; implementing amusement facilities renewal and upgrading actions; implementing smart cultural tourism transformation and upgrading actions, updating and upgrading intelligent management service equipment and immersive experience equipment; implementing historical and cultural protection actions for famous cities and neighborhoods, updating and upgrading protection management and monitoring equipment, etc.

rgo303slot| Six departments have issued plans to promote equipment renewal in the cultural and tourism fields

The "Plan" clarifies that all localities must coordinate multiple channels of funds and provide active support; encourage enterprises and institutions in the cultural and tourism fields to use their own funds to actively update equipment and improve service quality; they will meet the requirementsrgo303slotKey projects will be included in the scope of financial support such as ultra-long-term special treasury bonds; policy and commercial financial institutions will be guided to strengthen support for equipment renewal in the cultural and tourism fields.