congocash| *ST Waihai: Delay in responding to Shenzhen Stock Exchange's concerns and inquiry letters

editor2024-05-24 22:33:3923qqjili

China Securities Intelligent Financial News *ST Weihai (Rights Protection)(002586) announced on the evening of May 24 that after the company received the letter of concern and the letter of inquiry, the company immediately organized relevant staff and intermediaries to review the issues involved in the letter of concern and the letter of inquiry. Implement the issues one by one. In view of the large number of replies and the replies to some questions need further confirmation. The company expects to submit written reply materials to the letter of concern and inquiry to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange before May 31, 2024.

According to the announcement, the company received the "Letter of Concern about Zhejiang Province Weihai Construction Group Co., Ltd." and the "Letter of Inquiry about the 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Province Weihai Construction Group Co., Ltd." issued by the First Department of Listed Company Management of Shenzhen Stock Exchange on April 29, 2024 and May 5, 2024 respectively, requiring the company to make written explanations on relevant matters, before April 29, 2024, Submit relevant explanatory materials to the Management Department of Listed Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange before May 10, 2024, and send a copy to the dispatched office.

congocash| *ST Waihai: Delay in responding to Shenzhen Stock Exchange's concerns and inquiry letters

(Article sourcecongocash: China Securities Journal·China Securities Network)