sageclick3|ALBA countries condemn U.S. seizure of Venezuela's Citgo oil firm

super2024-06-19 11:02:3817Family

CARACASsageclick3, June 18 (Xinhua) -- The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America - Peoples' Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) on Tuesday condemned the United States' seizure of the Venezuelan company Citgo in U.S. territory.

The member countries "categorically condemn the actions taken by the U.S. administration aimed at illegally stripping the Venezuelan company Citgo Petroleum Corporationsageclick3," said the bloc in a statement on its website.

The bloc described the seizure as a "blatant attack" and said that it "deepens the constant threat to Venezuela's sovereignty and right to development."

The regional body called on the international community to condemn the actions of the United States, arguing that it "seeks to seize assets that do not belong to it, to impose its illegitimate and supremacist agenda of intervention in the internal affairs of other states."

It also denounced the United States' denial of Venezuela's right to defense in courts and reaffirmed its support "for Venezuelan authorities in defense of this important energy company."

sageclick3|ALBA countries condemn U.S. seizure of Venezuela's Citgo oil firm

The United States has previously illegally seized the Venezuelan state-owned oil refinery, the main asset of the South American nation abroad, through a forced sale.

Founded in 2004, the ALBA-TCP bloc currently groups 10 countries with the aim of reducing Latin America's reliance on Western aid by promoting intra-regional alliances and cooperation in key sectors such as energy and trade.