taitoegret| A well-known insurance loss adjuster company "transformed" into a technology company? Eliminate the "insurance" business and add a large number of artificial intelligence businesses

editor2024-05-26 07:46:1924Family

The new third board listed insurance intermediary Min Taian has changed his name!

A Chinese reporter from the securities firm noted that Mintai'an property Insurance Public Assessment Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Min Taian") recently completed the industrial and commercial change registration of changing the company name, and formally changed its name to "Mintai'an Security Technology Co., Ltd." the securities code 833984 remains the same.

taitoegret| A well-known insurance loss adjuster company "transformed" into a technology company? Eliminate the "insurance" business and add a large number of artificial intelligence businesses

At the same time, the company's business scope has also changed, excluding the original insurance-related services and adding a large number of artificial intelligence businesses.

So, is Min Taian no longer engaged in public appraisal business? The Chinese reporter of the securities firm learned that the valuation business of Mintaian Insurance valuation Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Mintaian valuation") has not changed, and it is its parent company that has changed the company's name and business scope this time. Recently, Min Taian has started the capital increase of the Min Taian public assessment. after the completion of the capital increase, the registered capital of Min Taian is estimated to be 200 million yuan.

The listed subject changed its name and eliminated the insurance business.

Min Taian was founded in 2005, the new third board listed enterprises (stock code: 833984), headquartered in Shenzhen, has 35 branches in the country, registered capital of RMB 1Taitoegret70 million yuan.

The company recently completed the industrial and commercial change registration of changing the company name and obtained the "Business license" issued by Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration. Since April 19, 2024, the company has officially changed its name in the national share transfer system for small and medium-sized enterprises. before the change, the full name of the company is "Mintai'an property Insurance Public Assessment Co., Ltd." after the change, the full name is "Mintai'an Security Technology Co., Ltd.", and the securities code remains unchanged.

Speaking of the reasons, Min Tai'an said that due to the needs of business development and the requirements of the company's overall strategic planning, the changed company's full name matches the company's main business, which can better reflect the company's business development direction and conform to the company's future strategic planning. in line with the relevant regulations, will not have a significant adverse impact on the company's production and operation.

On May 20, Mintaian announced in the official WeChat that the company had changed its business scope, including the inspection, valuation and risk assessment of the subject matter insured nationwide (except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) before and after insurance.TaitoegretThe investigation, inspection, loss assessment and treatment of the salvage value of the subject matter insured; risk management consultation; other businesses approved by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, etc. The new businesses include artificial intelligence hardware sales; artificial intelligence basic software development; artificial intelligence application software development; intelligent robot research and development; intelligent robot sales; geographic remote sensing information services; Internet data services; big data services; science and technology intermediary services; standardized services; solar energy (000591) power generation technical services; project management services Engineering and technical services (except planning management, survey, design, supervision) and so on.

All the valuation business is undertaken by the subsidiaries.

According to the Chinese reporter of the securities firm, Mintai'an has 10 subsidiaries, including Public Assessment Co., Ltd., risk Consulting Company, risk Management Company, Orico Engineering Technology (Shenzhen) Company, Forensic Identification Company, Intelligent Technology Company, small and medium-sized Financial Union Investment Company, and Mintai Anjinke Holdings Co., Ltd.

After the insurance business is excluded from the parent company listed on the new third board, Mintaian Insurance valuation Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Mintaian Public valuation") will undertake all the public valuation business.

It is reported that in the insurance market, insurance companies expand their business and settle claims through agents and brokers, playing the dual roles of referees and athletes, which inevitably lead to compensation disputes, and insurance assessors can be entrusted by both insurers and policyholders, but it does not represent the insurer or the policy-holder, but stands independently and maintains an equidistant relationship with the above-mentioned two sides. Be able to make a relatively objective and fair evaluation of the entrusted event.

Not long ago, Mintaian issued an announcement that the company holds a 99.9975% stake in the Mintaian valuation. According to the strategic development needs of the company, the company plans to increase its capital to its subsidiaries by 120 million. After the increase, the registered capital of Mintai'an is estimated to be 200 million yuan.

Min Taian said that the subsidiary Min Taian estimates that the operation is stable and has a good cooperative relationship with the company to jointly promote the development of the business. At the same time, the company has a full understanding of the assets of its subsidiaries, has a good financial position and has no major operating risks. This increase in investment in the holding subsidiary is the need of the company's overall development planning, is conducive to external business, comprehensively improve the company's profitability and core competitiveness, in line with the company's strategic development plan.

In the 2023 annual report, Mintai'an said that in the field of insurance assessment, the company's subsidiary, Mintaian Public Assessment, has established a long-term and solid partnership with more than 80% of property insurance companies and more than 30% of life insurance companies nationwide. At the same time, it has carried out extensive business cooperation with dozens of domestic insurance brokerage companies and other related channels.

After audit and accounting, Mintai'an achieved operating income of 649 million yuan in 2023, an increase of 16.4221 million yuan, or 2.6%, compared with the same period last year. However, the company's profit for the current period was negative, specifically-30.9973 million yuan, including asset impairment of 46.569 million yuan. Compared with the same period in 2022, the company's profit decreased by 4468.73 yuan.

A Chinese reporter from a securities firm noted that the insurance valuation business is the absolute main force of Mintaian, which has an operating income of 645 million yuan and a gross profit margin of 17.46% in 2023. Mintaian's other businesses generate only 3.67 million yuan in operating revenue, but the business has a gross profit margin of nearly 30 per cent.

Mintai'an said that the operating income of the insurance assessment business increased by 2.71% over the previous year, mainly because the epidemic opened and the business resumed normal operation; other business changes were mainly due to the closure and rectification of Guangdong Hengtai in the second half of 2023 and the decline in judicial business revenue.

Editor: Gui Yanmin

Proofreading: Su Huanwen